The name of the Club shall be Bray Bowling Club, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Club’.
The object of the Club shall be to play, promote and foster the game of bowls according to the Code of Laws adopted by The World Bowls Board. The Club shall be affiliated to the Irish Bowling Association, the Irish Women’s Bowling Association, the Bowling League of Ireland and the Ladies Bowling League of Ireland.
The Club’s home green shall be the bowling green at Failte Park, Adelaide Road, Bray.
The Club’s crest shall be the Coat of Arms of Bray town with the words ‘Bray Bowling Club’ underneath.
The colours of the Club shall be Red, Yellow and Blue.
The blazer colour shall be Navy Blue.
The membership of the Club shall be divided into the following categories:-
Ordinary Members - Members who at the time of adoption of these Rules were Full Members and those who in future may be elected as Ordinary Members by the Executive Committee. Ordinary Members only shall be entitled to vote at the General Meetings of the Club. The number of Ordinary Members shall not at any time exceed 200.
Junior Members - Persons 13 years of age or over and under 25 at the start of the Subscription Year. The number of Junior Members shall not at any time exceed 50.
Pavilion Members - Members who are entitled to use the Clubhouse and other Club Facilities, but who are not allowed the use of the green. The number of Pavilion Members shall not at any time exceed 50.
Honorary Members - A limited number of persons who have distinguished themselves by public or bowling services, or who have rendered special services to the Club, may, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, be elected at a General Meeting to be Honorary Members of the Club. They shall not have voting rights nor be eligible to sit on the Executive or Section Committees, but shall eligible to compete in competitions for which they are otherwise qualified. Honorary Members elected as Trustees as defined in Rule 14 Motions proposing Honorary Membership must be submitted to the general body of members at a General Meeting.
Application for membership must be made by completing the form provided which is available on request from the Hon. Secretary. All categories of membership shall be elected at the discretion of the Executive Committee by ballot and a member in any category shall not be entitled automatically to become a member in another category. Every candidate for membership of the Club, in whichever category, shall be proposed and seconded by two Ordinary Members who have held their membership for at least two years. A member may support no more than three (3) candidates for membership as proposed and/or Seconder in any one calendar year. Applications must be signed by the applicant and by the proposer and seconder who shall be Ordinary Members of the Club.
The procedure for election shall be as follows:
An interval of not less than two week shall elapse between nomination and election of Members and the names of all persons as Ordinary Members shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the Club premises for at least one week before election.
The application shall then be referred to the appropriate Section Committee for consideration, on the suitability of the applicant for membership of the Club. The Section Committee shall then pass its recommendation to the Executive
Committee to be voted upon by secret ballot, the decision to be based on a simple majority.
All newly elected members shall be on probation for one year. They shall have the right to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Club if their membership allows. At the end of one year the Executive Committee shall decide if the membership is to be confirmed. If the membership is not confirmed and an entrance fee has been paid it shall be returned.
Candidates who have been elected to membership and who fail to pay their entrance fee, if applicable, and annual subscription within one calendar month from the date of their official notice advising them of their election, shall thereby render their election null and void.
The annual subscription for each category of membership, all levies and entrance fees shall be determined at a General Meeting by the submission of a motion in accordance with Rule 23. They shall remain as so determined until altered by a subsequent General Meeting.
Ordinary members 65 years or over before or on the start date of a subscription year shall be entitled to avail of a reduced membership fee for that and subsequent years as determined by a General Meeting.
The subscription year shall commence on the 31st January each year and end on the 30th January the following year. Annual subscriptions shall be renewed before 28th February each year. Members who are elected after the 30th June shall be liable for half the annual subscription for that year.
In addition to the annual subscription each member shall pay the capitation fees set each year by the BLI and LBLI as appropriate.
Newly elected members may be required to pay an entrance fee as determined by a General Meeting.
Members who do not renew their annual subscriptions by 28th February shall cease to be members forthwith and shall be required to re-apply for membership before exercising any of the privileges of the Club.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to consider special case such as hardship, with regard to the payment of fees for a period of one subscription year only.
The Officers of the Club shall be:
The President, Honorary Secretary; Honorary Treasurer, Men's Captain and the Ladies Captain. They shall be nominated in accordance with Rule 24 and elected in accordance with Rule 21.
The President
The president shall take the chair at all General Meetings and at all Executive Committee Meetings. In his/her absence or his/her request (if present) the Treasurer shall take the chair. In the absence of both the President and the Treasurer any Ordinary Member of the Club present may be appointed to acto as Chairman by a simple majority of the Ordinary Members present at the meeting and voting. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his/her vote as a member. The Chairman has the right to abstain from using the casting vote.
In addition to the above duties the President shall preside at such functions as decided by the Executive Committee.
The President may hold office for a maximum period of three consecutive years, but must be voted into office each year and must be a playing member or ex-playing member of the Club.
The Hon. Secretary
The Hon. Secretary shall:
·Convene all Executive Committee Meetings and General Meetings and shall record the minutes of these meetings
·Carry out such other duties as decided by the Executive Committee
·Assist the President with the ongoing business of the Club.
All correspondence with the Executive Committee shall be addressed to the Hon Secretary.
The Hon. Treasurer
·The Hon. Treasurer shall:
·Collect all fees and subscriptions
·Pay all bills as authorised by the Executive Committee
·Keep a record of all financial transactions
·Present a monthly report on the Club's financial position to theExecutive Committee
·Arrange for a duly audited Statement of Accounts to be prepared for the Club's Financial Year and circulate the Statement of Accounts to members with the notice of the AGM
The accounts of the Club shall be audited at least once in every year by an auditor appointed at the Club's AGM.
Ladies Captain and Men's Captain
The Captain shall be responsible for the conduct of the members of their own Section. Captains shall carry out any such duties as instructed by the Executive and/or their Section Committee.
The executive authority of the Club responsible for the implementation of all decisions of the Annual General Meeting and for the conduct of the general business of the Club shall be the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers and four other members (two from the Men's Section and two from the Ladies Section), all of whom shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting. They shall be nominated in accordance with Rule 24 and elected in accordance with Rule 21.
The Men's Captain and two members from the Men's Section shall be voted for by members of the Men's Section only. The Ladies' Captain and the two members from the Ladies' Section shall be voted for by members of the Ladies' Section only.
Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by co-option by the Executive Committee.
If the office of President or any other office falls vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by the election by the Executive Committee of one of its members.
In the event of insufficient nominations for Officers or Committees, members nominations shall be accepted by the President from the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
Subject to the control and direction of the Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee shall be the administrative authority of the Club and be responsible for the conduct of the arrangements for Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings and for giving effect to the decisions thereof, and for the conduct of the general business of the Club.
The Executive Committee shall not initiate or contest any legal proceedings without the prior approval of the members by the submission of a motion at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for this purpose.
The Executive Committee shall consider and decide upon applications for membership of the Club and shall make their decisions known in each case within two months after receipt of an application made in accordance with the prescribed conditions.
The Executive Committee may appoint Sub-Committees for any purpose conducive to the effective discharge or in pursuance of the functions of the Club. Such Sub Committees may, if considered desirable consist of non-members of the Executive or Section Committees.
A Public Relations Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall act in accordance with their instructions.
The Executive Committee shall appoint a Greens Committee consisting of a Convenor and two other members. The Greens Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members. The function of this Committee shall be the care, maintenance and upkeep of the green and its surrounds. The Greens Convenor or a member of the Greens Committee authorised by the Convenor shall have the power to curtail or suspend play on the green.
The Greens Convenor shall submit a report each month to the Executive Committee.
There shall be four Trustees of the Club. They shall be nominated in accordance with Rule 24 and elected in accordance with Rule 21. They shall remain in office for a maximum period of ten years or until their resignation or removal from office at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the members or loss of membership under these Rules.
The Trustees for the time of their being in office shall be the sole custodians of all the Club's property. They shall have the authority to lease or purchase lands or property on behalf of the Club, and to borrow such sums of money as may from time to time be authorised by an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the members.
No member shall have the right to remove from the Club premises any property of the Club without the written consent of any two Trustees in office.
Every Trustee, Officer and Executive Committee member shall be indemnified, out of the assets of the Club, against all losses or liabilities which they, jointly or individually, may sustain or incur while properly discharging their duties in accordance with these Rules.
Each Ordinary Member (including such of Trustees and other Officers of the Club as are Ordinary Members) shall contribute equally to such indemnification and such indemnity shall be deemed to be, a condition of membership of the Club.
These Committees shall be responsible for the implementation of all decisions of:-
·The Annual General Meeting of the Club relevant to their Section
·Appropriate Section Annual General Meeting
·The Executive Committee, affecting the members of their Section
·They shall also be responsible for the conduct of the general business of their Section.
Each Section Committee shall consist of sevenmembers who shall be nominated in accordance with Rule 24 and elected in accordance with Rule 21:-
·The appropriate Captain
·All the Executive Committee members from that Section
·Such other Ordinary Members of that Section who shall be elected at the Section Annual General Meeting to bring the Committee membership to a total of sevenmembers.
The Section Captain shall preside as Chairperson at all Section Meetings. In the absence of the Captain a chairperson may be appointed by a ballot of the membership to a total of sevenmembers.
Where the Honorary Club Secretary is ineligible for membership of a Section Committee a committee member shall be appointed as Secretary for that Section.
Fourteen days’ notice of Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings shall be given in writing to all members entitled to attend such meetings.
Club Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of November at a venue and on such a date and at such a time as may be decided by the Executive Committee.
The Agenda shall include:
·Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
·Minutes of any Extraordinary General Meeting held during the year
·Honorary Secretary's Report
·Honorary Treasurer's Report
·Election of Officers and Executive Committee Members
·Amendment of Club Rules
·Any Other Business
Club Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club may be summoned at discretion of the Executive Committee or on a requisition in writing to the Honorary Secretary, signed by at least thirteen Ordinary Members of the Club, such notice to state the specific nature of the business to be discussed. No other business shall be discussed other than that for which the meeting is convened. An Extraordinary General Meeting may also be summoned on behalf of an Ordinary member whose membership has been suspended, subject to such a request being made in writing to the Honorary Secretary within fourteen days of the Notice of Suspension being posted. The Honorary Secretary must call the Extraordinary General Meeting within one calendar month of receiving notification.
Section Annual General Meetings
The Ladies and Men's Section shall hold their Annual General Meetings within two weeks following the Club Annual General Meeting.
The venue, date and time may be set by the Sections Committees.
The agenda shall include
·Minutes of the last Section Annual General Meeting
·Minutes of any Extraordinary General Meeting held in the last year
·Honorary Secretary's Report
·Captain's Report
·Election of Committee Members
·Election of the Club's Nominee for President of the BLI or LBLI Council if the nomination is to be made to Council in the coming season.
·Amendment of the Section's Rules
·Any Other Business
Extraordinary Section General Meeting
Extraordinary Section General Meetings of the Men’s or Ladies' Sections may be summoned at the discretion of the Section Committee or on requisition in writing to the Honorary Secretary, signed by at least thirteen (13) Ordinary Members of that Section, such notice to state specific nature of the business to be discussed. No other business shall be discussed. The Honorary Section Secretary must call the Extraordinary Section General Meeting within one calendar month of receiving notification.
Committee Meetings
The Executive Men's Section and Ladies Section Committees shall meet each month at a date and time agreed by each Committee.
Extraordinary Meetings of the Committee may be called at the discretion of the Committee Chairperson or by request in writing to the Honorary Club Secretary or Section Secretary as appropriate, signed by three (3) or more Committee Members. Such request must state the specific nature of the business to be discussed.
The quorum for each of the above meetings shall be as follows:
·Annual Club General Meeting
Twenty one (21) Ordinary Members
·Extraordinary Club Genera
Twenty one (21) Ordinary Members
·Annual Section General
Thirteen (13) Ordinary Members
·Extraordinary Section General
Thirteen (13) Ordinary Members
·Executive Committee
Five (5) Committee Members
·Section Committee
Five (5) Committee Members
Should any member of any committee be absent from three consecutive meetings, or five meetings in all in the year, without reasonable explanation he/she shall cease to be a member of that committee. The committee shall have the right to fill the vacancy at their next meeting by co-option.
Each Section Committee shall appoint selectors for each of the teams in their Section. The structure of the selection committee shall only be altered at a Section Annual General Meeting by the submission of a motion in accordance with Rule 23.
All Ordinary Members of the Club as defined in Rule 7 above shall have full voting powers. The election of Trustees, Officers, BLI / LBLI Nominees and members of committees shall be by secret ballot, each Ordinary Member recording their preference on the ballot papers provided. Voting at the Annual General, Extraordinary General, Men's Section or Ladies' Section General Meetings shall be by a show of hands, each Ordinary Member having one vote.
Four Ordinary Members or such other members as may be agreed at the time of the meeting shall be appointed as tellers and scrutineers. The teller’s duties shall be to count and record the votes taken on every occasion on which a division is taken. Their decision as to the numbers recorded on any vote shall be final. In cases where the tellers disagree the president shall order a recount.
The scrutineers shall be responsible for the arrangements for the election by ballot of the Officers and members of committees. They shall take account of the ballot papers available and distributed, shall be responsible for excess ballot papers available and not distributed and take such steps as to ensure the validity of the election.
No candidate for office may be elected as a teller or scrutineer.
Motions for the Agenda of an Annual General, Extraordinary General, or Section Annual General Meetings may be submitted by the Executive Committee, Men’s Section or Ladies' Section Committee or by Ordinary Members entitled to be represented at the meetings. Each motion must be signed by at least two members and forwarded to reach the Honorary Club Secretary or Section Secretary as appropriate at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting or by such time as may be fixed by the Executive Committee in the case of an Extraordinary General Meeting. All Motions shall be posted on the Club Notice Board for aperiod up to and including the date of the meeting of not less than ten consecutive days.
Nominations for election as Trustees, Officers, Executive Committee and Section Committee membership must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary. The nomine shall indicate in writing his/her willingness to accept the nomination, which must be signed by at least two Ordinary Members excluding the nominee. The nomination must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting.
The Honorary Secretary shall list the nominations for all positions along with the names of those proposing and seconding such nominations on Club Notice Board at least ten days before the General Meeting at which voting is to take place.
A person nominated for election as a Trustee must be in continuous membership of the Club for a period of not less than five consecutive years immediately prior to the election date.
A person nominated for election as an Officer of the Club, or as a member of the Executive Committee must be an Ordinary Member of the Club for a period of not less than two consecutive years immediately prior to an election date.
A person nominated for election as a member of a Section Committee must be an Ordinary Member of the Club for a period of not less than one year immediately prior to an election date.
Nominations for election as the Club's Nominee for the Presidency of the BLI or LBLI Councils must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary. The nominee shall indicate in writing his/her willingness to accept the nomination, which must be signed by at least two Ordinary Members of the relevant Section excluding the nominee. The nomination must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting.
The Honorary Secretary shall list the nominations for all positions along with the names of those proposing and seconding such nominations on the Club Notice Board at least ten days before the General Meeting at which voting is to take place.
A person nominated for these positions must be an Ordinary Member of the Club for a period of not less than five consecutive years immediately prior to the election date.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to investigate on its own initiative or on complaint made by a member or members the conduct or action of any member(s) which is alleged to be detrimental to the interests of the Club. The member(s) whose conduct or action is the subject of the investigation shall be informed in writing of the charge or complaints made against them. They shall be given ample opportunity to reply to such a complaint or charge. If the complaint or charge be proven and the Executive Committee decides that the member(s) have been guilty of action detrimental to the interests of the Club the Executive Council shall be empowered to take any of the following actions:
·Call upon the member(s) to desist from such conduct or actions
·Require the member(s) to take such steps as may be required to correct or alter the matter complained of
·Require the member(s) to comply with such conditions as may be required by the Executive Committee.
Notification of the Committee's decision, with an explanation for same, shall be delivered in writing to the member concerned by registered letter post within seven days from the date of such decision.
Should the member(s) refuse to carry out the directions of the Executive Committee as listed above, the Executive Committee may thereupon suspend the member(s) from membership of the Club pending consideration of the report and recommendation of the Executive Committee by the next Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.
Should the Executive Committee consider that the complaint or charge proven against the member(s) is of a most grave and serious nature they may recommend to the next Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose that they be expelled from membership of the Club, and pending consideration of such recommendation by the Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting, the Executive Committee may suspend the member(s) frommembership of the Club.
Where a member(s) have been suspended from membership of the Club they shall not be afforded the use of the facilities of the Club or clubhouse.
The Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting having considered the report and recommendation of theExecutive Committee made as detailed above may:
·Expel the member(s)
·Terminate the suspension and restore the member(s) to full membership subject to compliance with prescribed conditions if so required
·Continue the suspension for a further stipulated period subject to such prescribed conditions as may be required.
The member(s) against whom a complaint or charge has been proven shall be afforded full and adequate opportunity to appeal the report and/or recommendation of the Executive Committee to the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.
Notification of the decision of the General Meeting, with an explanation for same, shall be delivered in writing to the member concerned by registered letter post within seven days from the date of such decision.
Any member having a grievance or cause of complaint may give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary of their Section who shall bring the matter before the Section Committee for consideration at the next Committee Meeting. The member concerned may be requested in writing to attend an Extraordinary Section Committee Meeting to discuss the grievance or complaint. The member shall notify the Honorary Section Secretary of their intention to attend at least three days before the date of such Extraordinary Meeting.
Each member shall communicate his/her address, or change of address, to the Honorary Secretary, and all notices sent to such address by ordinary letter post shall be deemed to have been delivered to such member.
Any notice or other document required to be served upon or sent to a Member may be given by posting or delivery to or leaving same at his/her address by means of e-mail address, text or other electronic identification provided to the Club.
Any such notices or documents shall be deemed to have been duly given if sent by pre-paid post 24 (twenty four)hours after posting and if delivered to or left outside usual business hours and if sent by electronic communication when it has been transmitted to the electronic information system designated by the Member for the purpose of receiving such electronic communication.
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules any amendment alteration or addition which may be necessary, on any application by or on behalf of the Club, pursuant to any provisions of the Licensing Acts, 1833 to 1988 or the Registration of Clubs Acts 1904 to 1988 or any Acts amending or extending these enactments, may be made by the person in charge of such application provided that such amendments, alterations or additions shall be applicable only to this Section of theRules and only for the purpose of complying with changes from time to time in the Licensing Laws.
An interval of not less than two weeks shall elapse between nomination and election of Members and the names of all persons proposed as Ordinary Members shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the Club premises for at least one week before election in accordance with Rule 8.
No person shall become an Honorary Member or temporary member of the Club, or be relieved of the payment of the regular entrance fee or subscription, except those possessing the qualifications defined in these Rules, and subject to the condition and regulations prescribed in these Rules.
A visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a Member and the Member shall, upon the admission of such visitor to the Club premises or immediately upon his being supplied with such liquor, enter his own name and the name and address of the visitor in the book which shall be kept for the purpose, and which shall show the date of each visit.
No member of the Club and no manager or servant employed in the Club, shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein, or in the profits arising from such sale. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied to any person under 18 years of age.
No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied fore consumption outside the premises of the Club except to members and then only between the hours of eight o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock at night.
Save as is otherwise provided by the Intoxicating Liquor Act 1988, no intoxicating liquor shall be sold or exposed for sale:
a)on any weekday before the hour of half past ten in the morning and
·during a period of summertime after the hour of half past eleven o'clock in the evening
·during a period which is not a period of summertime after the hour of eleven o'clock in the evening
b)on any Sunday before the hour of half past twelve o'clock in the afternoon and between the hours of two o'clock and four in the afternoon and after the hour of eleven o'clock in the evening.
c)on St Patrick's Day, where that day falls on a weekday, before the hour of half past twelve o'clock in the afternoon and after the hour of eleven o'clock in the evening.
d)at any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday.
Nothing hereinbefore contained shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the Club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on the Club premises by any person:
a)during a period which is not a period of summertime between the hours of eleven o'clock in the evening on any weekday and half past eleven o'clock on the same evening.
b)on any Sunday between the hours of two o'clock and three o'clock in the afternoon.
c)on Christmas Day between the hours of one o'clock and three o'clock in the afternoon and between the hours of seven o'clock and ten o'clock in the evening.
If, in each case, the excisable liquor is:-
·ordered by that person at the same time as a substantial meal.
·consumed at the same time as with the meal.
·supplied and consumed in the portion of the Club premises usually set apart for the supply of meals and paid for at the same time as the meal.
Bray Bowling Club is committed to equality of opportunity in all its practices, policies and procedures.
It will ensure that no applicant or players will receive less favourable treatment due to his/her sex, marital status, family status, age, sexual orientation, political persuasion, religion, disability, race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origins, including membership of the travelling community in terms of applying for membership and playing for Bray Bowling Club.
All applicants and players will be selected and treated on the basis of their abilities and merits only and according to the requirements of the Club. All players will have equal opportunities to show ability and to progress within Bray Bowling Club.
The Executive Committee's interpretation of these Rules and all regulations made by the Committee shall be binding on the every member until set aside by an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.
The foregoing body of Rules forming the Constitution of the Club shall not be enlarged, repealed or altered except by a Resolution (for which a Notice of Motion shall have been given in accordance with Rule 23) passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. The said Notice of Motion shall specify the exact nature of the proposed alteration to the Rules.
20th NOVEMBER 2014 20th NOVEMBER 2014