Bowling News - January & February 2025

The year opened with some persistent arctic winds that closed the green for several days.

The club got a shock when popular member, Ger Minogue, unexpectedly passed away. A gentleman with a kindly nature and a twinkle in his eye, he loved to talk and disect the latest goings-on at the club. Ger was usually one of the first to volunteer when a work-party was called for or people needed to teach new bowlers the game. He was also a thoughtful and supportive captain for those teams that he managed. Though not in the top tier of bowlers at the club he did not hesitate to challenge those that were, if he disagreed with their pronouncements.

Winter storms continued to roll in, a real beast called Storm Éowyn that was then followed by Storm Herminia.

Bray member, David B Kelly, made it to the International Arena at Potters Resorts, Hopton-on-Sea, Norfolk, for the 2025 World Indoor Bowls Championships. He was often visible in the audience on the TV coverage wearing his blue Bray top. He also sent us back some good photos from his time there.

Sandra McCarthy of Aer Lingus Bowls Club was awarded the Fingal Sports Volunteer Of The Year Award 2025. Secretary, administrator and an outstanding bowler, Sandra was also described as the life and soul of the club, building the membership, and organising outings & events.

More bitter east winds heralded February's arrival.

Glenn Kaufmann (Leinster), Amy Carruth (Crumlin) & Isobel Ruby Nolan (Blackrock) were selected to represent their respective junior ILB Irish Indoor teams. The girls played in the under-25’s International Series in Aberdeen IBC while Glenn shone at the Para series hosted in Port Talbot IBC.

2024 Ladies' Junior Champion, Patricia Fitzpatrick, was Bray's Winter champion-of-champions representative and had a first round draw at home against Herbert Park's Nigel Daly. On a cool but dry Sunday morning it was the visitor that secured victory, 16-21.

Peg O' Toole's husband, Des, passed away. He had enjoyed a long bowling career at Bray that included a Mecredy Cup win in 1996. Phyliis Brett remembers him as one of the nicest, funniest men she had ever met.

At a meeting of the the Bray Executive Committee it was decided that the club would enter the same leagues as the previous year, the one exception being that the Wednesday Division 2 team would now participate in the higher Division 1 - so four rinks instead of three. The full list of teams then is

Saturday: Premier, D1, Tormey Cup.
Monday: D1, D2.
Wednesday: D1.
Thursday (vets): D1, D2, D3, D4.

Patrick Brosnan, Bray BC.

For previous posts see our blog.

Getting Started

Club welcome sign.

The club, with its all-weather green, is open all year round and new members, male or female, are very welcome.

We cater for beginners or more experienced bowlers. People of all ages and abilities are welcome. Lawn bowls can be a team or singles sport and is a great way of enjoying the company of others. It is a competitive sport, most of our members played other sports such as soccer, gaelic football, hurling, tennis, golf etc before taking up bowls. They are aged from their late teens to late eighties - bowls is a sport for all. To get started phone Bernedette on 086 384 2709 or Niall on 087 629 6494.

Want to see kids learning bowls? Watch this Irish Federation video.

Want quick coaching lessons? Try these videos.

The club is committed to equality of opportunity in all our practices, policies and procedures.

Copyright (c) Bray Bowling Club 2021. All rights reserved.
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